I received the following by email.  If I can trace it to a more original source, I'll make a link to it...

Bergstrom Home Page

The founder of a devotional site said he called both Bush and Gore asking them to send in their testimonies for the web site since they both "claim" to be Christians. Gore's office said that he didn't have one in typed form. Bush did and here it is! ... please pass this along! This could change America.

>From George Bush:

Actually, the seeds of my decision had been planted by the Reverend Billy Graham. He visited my family for a summer weekend in Maine. I saw him preach at the small summer church, St. Ann's by the Sea. We all had lunch on the patio overlooking the ocean. One evening my dad asked Billy to answer questions from a big group of family gathered for the weekend. He sat by the fire and talked.

And what he said sparked a change in my heart. I don't remember the exact words. It was more the power of his example. The Lord was so clearly reflected in his gentle and loving demeanor.

The next day we walked and talked at Walker's Point, and I knew I was in the presence of a great man. He was like a magnet; I felt drawn to seek something different. He didn't lecture of admonish; he shared warmth and concern. Billy Graham didn't make you feel guilty; he made you feel loved. Over the course of that weekend, Reverend Graham planted a mustard seed in my soul, a seed that grew over the next year. He led me to the path, and I began walking. It was the beginning of a change in my life.

I had always been a "religious" person, had regularly attended church, even taught Sunday School and served as an alter boy. But that weekend my faith took on a new meaning. It was the beginning of a new walk where I would commit my heart to Jesus Christ.

I was humbled to learn that God sent His Son to die for a sinner like me. I was comforted to know that through the Son I could find God's amazing grace, a grace that crossed every border, every barrier and is open to everyone. Through the love of Christ's life, I could understand the life-changing source in the Bible. When I returned to Midland, I began reading the Bible regularly. Don Evans talked me into joining him and another friend, Don Jones, at men's community Bible study. The group had first assembled the year before, in spring of 1984, at the beginning of the downturn in the energy industry. Midland was hurting. A lot of people were looking for comfort and strength and direction. A couple of men started the Bible study as a support group and it grew. By the Time I began attending, in the fall of 1985, almost 120 men would gather.

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