This election is important to our nation's future.  I believe Bill Clinton will someday be judged as being one of the worst presidents ever.  Although our economy is humming along nicely now, Clinton has planted seeds that will cause great harm to our nation.  Clearly he has shamed our nation morally. But he has also eroded our military by spreading it too thin on ill-defined missions, and by using the military for "social experiments" including promoting the homosexual agenda.  Finally he has implemented his liberal policies using executive orders to bypass the other branches of government in ways that greatly reduce the checks and balances built into our system of government.  His tendency is always towards more government control over our lives, more and more bureaucracy.

Al Gore would continue our nation down this destructive path.  Like Clinton, his answer to every problem is a new government program, a new bureaucracy to supposedly save the day.

George W. Bush is not perfect, but he certainly advocates sensible ideas about education, social security, taxes, and other issues.  His talk, and his actions in Texas, are consistently in the direction of less government.  In my opinion, that's what we need.

To those who say "all politicians are corrupt, one is as bad as the other", I say "Open your eyes.  Take the time to listen to what they are saying."  Sure, Bush may not keep all his promises,
but to the extent that he succeeds at all, he will move our nation in the right direction.  Gore on the other hand, wants to move us in the direction of bigger and more intrusive government.

If you share my opinion, that our government already has it's nose in too many aspects of our private lives, vote for Bush.  Otherwise, drop me an email--I'd love to discuss it in more detail with anyone.

Paul Bergstrom, Oct 2000

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