Dr. Seuss Goes to Florida     Back to Fun Stuff

Can we count them with our nose?
Can we count them with our toes?
Should we count them with a band?
Should we count them all by hand?
If I do not like the count,
I will simply throw them out!

I will not let this vote count stand
I do not like them, GORE I am!

Can we change these numbers here?
Can we change them, calm my fears?
What do you mean, Dubya has won?
This is not fair, this is not fun,
Let's count them upside down this time
Let's count until the state is mine!

I will not let this VOTE count stand!
I do not like it, GORE I am!

I 'm really ticked, I;m in a snit!
You have not heard the last of it!
I'll find new chads one by one
And hold each ballot to the sun!
I'll count, recount, and count some more!
You'll grow to hate this little chore,

But I will not, cannot let this vote count stand
I do not like it, GORE I am!

I won't leave office, I'm stayin' here!
I've glued my chair to my rear!
Tipper,Hillary, and Bubba too,
All telling me that I should sue,
I find the Electors really vile,
RECOUNT the votes until I smile,

I do not want this vote to stand!
I do not like it, GORE I am!

What's that? What are you trying to say?
You think the current count's OK?
You do not like my counting scheme?
It makes you tense; gives you bad dreams?
Foolish people, you're wrong-you'll see,
Your only care should be for me!

I must not let this vote count stand,
my hacks will fix it, GORE I AM!

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